Software specification

Below is an automatically generated software specification.

Public classes

HomLCA(A[, target, source]) A homomorphism between elementary LCAs.
LCA(orders[, discrete]) An elementary locally compact abelian group (LCA).
LCAFunc(representation, domain) A function from an LCA to a complex number.

Public functions

hermite_normal_form(A) Compute U and H such that A*U = H.
smith_normal_form(A[, compute_unimod]) Compute U,S,V such that U*A*V = S.
solve(A, b[, p]) Solve eqn Ax = b mod p over Z.
voronoi(epimorphism[, norm_p]) Return the Voronoi transversal function.

Public classes (detailed)


(inherits from: Callable )
LCAFunc(representation, domain) A function from an LCA to a complex number.
__call__(list_arg, *args, **kwargs) Override function calls, see evaluate().
__init__(representation, domain) Initialize a function G -> C.
__repr__() Override the repr() function.
copy() Return a copy of the instance.
dft([func_type]) If the domain allows it, compute DFT.
evaluate(list_arg, *args, **kwargs) Evaluate function on a group element.
idft([func_type]) If the domain allows it, compute inv DFT.
pointwise(other, operator) Apply pointwise binary operator.
pullback(morphism) Return the pullback along morphism.
pushforward(morphism[, terms_in_sum]) Return the pushforward along morphism.
sample(list_of_elements, *args, **kwargs) Sample on a list of group elements.
shift(list_shift) Shift the function.
to_latex() Return as a \(\LaTeX\) string.
to_table(*args, **kwargs) Return a n-dimensional table.
transversal(epimorphism[, transversal_rule, …]) Pushforward using transversal rule.


(inherits from: Sequence, Callable )
LCA(orders[, discrete]) An elementary locally compact abelian group (LCA).
__add__(other) Override the addition (+) operator, see sum().
__call__(element) Override function calls, see project_element().
__contains__(other) Override the ‘in’ operator, see contained_in().
__eq__(other) Override the equality (==) operator, see equal().
__getitem__(key) Override the slice operator, see slice().
__init__(orders[, discrete]) Initialize a new LCA.
__iter__() Override the iteration protocol, see iterate().
__len__() Override the len() function, see length().
__pow__(power[, modulo]) Override the pow (**) operator, see compose_self().
__repr__() Override the repr() function.
canonical() Return the LCA in canonical form using SNF.
compose_self(power) Repeated direct summation.
contained_in(other) Whether the LCA is contained in other.
copy() Return a copy of the LCA.
dual() Return the Pontryagin dual of the LCA.
elements_by_maxnorm([norm_values]) Yield elements corresponding to max norm value.
equal(other) Whether or not two LCAs are equal.
getitem(key) Return a slice of the LCA.
is_FGA() Whether or not the LCA is a FGA.
isomorphic(other) Whether or not two LCAs are isomorphic.
iterate() Yields the groups in the direct sum one by one.
length() The number of groups in the direct sum.
project_element(element) Project an element onto the group.
rank() Return the rank of the LCA.
remove_indices(indices) Return a LCA with some groups removed.
remove_trivial() Remove trivial groups from the object.
sum(other) Return the direct sum of two LCAs.
to_latex() Return the LCA as a \(\LaTeX\) string.
trivial() Return a trivial LCA.


(inherits from: Callable )
HomLCA(A[, target, source]) A homomorphism between elementary LCAs.
__add__(other) Override the addition (+) operator, see add().
__call__(source_element) Override function calls, see evaluate().
__eq__(other) Override the equality (==) operator, see equal().
__getitem__(args) Override the slice operator, see getitem().
__init__(A[, target, source]) Initialize a homomorphism.
__mul__(other) Override the * operator, see compose().
__pow__(power[, modulo]) Override the pow (**) operator, see compose_self().
__radd__(other) Override the addition (+) operator, see add().
__repr__() Override the repr() function.
__rmul__(other) Override the * operator, see compose().
add(other) Elementwise addition.
annihilator() Compute the annihilator monomorphism.
coimage() Compute the coimage epimorphism.
cokernel() Compute the cokernel epimorphism.
compose(other) Compose two homomorphisms.
compose_self(power) Repeated composition of an endomorphism.
copy() Return a copy of the homomorphism.
det() Determinant of the matrix representing the HomLCA.
dual() Compute the dual homomorphism.
equal(other) Whether or not two homomorphisms are equal.
evaluate(source_element) Apply the homomorphism to an element.
getitem(args) Return a slice of the homomorphism.
identity(group) Return the identity morphism.
image() Compute the image monomorphism.
kernel() Compute the kernel monomorphism.
project_to_source() Project columns to source group (orders).
project_to_target() Project columns to target group.
remove_trivial_groups() Remove trivial groups.
stack_diag(other) Stack diagonally.
stack_horiz(other) Stack horizontally (column wise).
stack_vert(other) Stack vertically (row wise).
to_latex() Return the homomorphism as a \(\LaTeX\) string.
update([new_A, new_target, new_source]) Return a new homomorphism with updated properties.
zero(target, source) Initialize the zero morphism.